Thursday, May 7, 2009

Peace oh my soul

Yesterday started as a typical day at work... slow. It ended as a typical day at work... slow. On days such as yesterday I am presented with many opportunities to either sew to the flesh or to the Spirit. On slow days my mind is filled with thoughts wondering if we will make it, if we will be profitable, what would happen to my parents if we didn't and so on. I can choose to be overtaken with this worry or I can choose to rest in the peace and knowledge that 'my Savior will provide all of my needs'. Although it is not a pleasant place to be it is a glorious place.

Last night my dear friend Meredith came home from Russia where she has been student teaching since January. Jess, Amber and I decided to surprise her at the airport and be there when she came off the plane. On my way to the airport I was retained in traffic. Her plane came in at 5:30pm and as i watched the time go by on my car stereo 5:30, 5:40, 5:50, 6:00... the thoughts again started to flow. I so wanted to be there when my friend came walking off the plane. I wanted to hug her neck and catch up on the past semester. I had a choice... I could either begin to stress and get angry at a situation I could not control, or I could rest once again the knowledge of my Savior. I had my moments of worry and sadness at the possibility of missing this experience, but an overwhelming peace came over me and I began to worship. 

It is in moments such as these, when the Spirit reveals to me yet again... if My God provides peace for the little moments in my life, HOW MUCH MORE will His peace surround me in times of true testing and trails. 

'Then sings my soul, my Savior, God the Thee.
How great Thou art. How great Thou art.'
'It is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul.'

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As many of you know I am moving to Barbados in January for three months to help build a strong Christian community in a church. The closer it gets the more excited I am for several different reasons. 

I am excited to simply see what the Lord has in store. I am going with a goal and a vision but I know the Lord sees the big picture and I am so excited to see how he uses this experience. I am looking forward to building relationships with believers in another country. I am always amazed how the bond of the Holy Spirit connects people across continents. 

Traveling is my wine. I love to experience new cultures, meet new people and just take in all the unique things the Lord has created! I can only imagine the stories I will hear, the things I will see and the memories I will make.